Breastmilk donation

Licking a Lamp, Lots of Snow, and Being an Adult

Okay, I know licking a lamp and being an adult probably don’t belong in the same sentence. Is it possible to do something like lick a lamp and still act like an adult? You can read this post and tell me what you think 😉

Let’s start with the snow first, though. Pittsburgh was gifted a few inches of snow on Friday and it was awesome! We woke up to about an inch, then it snowed all day and well into the evening.

Baby boy and big sister on sled in snow (more…)

2023 Notes and Thoughts

What a year 2023 was! I began reflecting on it and realized it was a dream come true type of year. It was our first full year as a family of four, I published a book and two journals, and trained Niva as a therapy dog.

2023 highlights

I have so much to be grateful for. A healthy family, a roof over my head, a small business I love working on, an amazing church family, and freedom. The life I’ve been given by God and am currently living–one with Jimmy, a house full of pets and kids, writing and baking–it’s what I dreamt of in high school. What a blessing to be living it out every day. I never want to forget that my life right now is something I desperately prayed for ten years ago!

In 2023, I learned that I can show up in unique ways: providing breastmilk to a friend and then to a milk bank, visiting people in the hospital, baking, and writing cards. We all have unique skill sets that we can use to serve others and God. It’s a sweet thing to find what you can do and then to go and do it ❤️

Here are some notes and thoughts on the past year. (more…)