Pregnancy Diary May 21st: Sadie Has a Brother!

May 21st, 2022

You read the title of this post right: Sadie is getting a baby brother! Jimmy and I have a son. It still feels so foreign to say and write that. A boy! 

Baby boy 15 week ultrasound

We are feeling very blessed to have a healthy pregnancy so far. We’re also excited to experience having a son! A son and a daughter. So wild to think about because 95% of the time I still feel like a child myself 😂

Finding out was great! I had a 15 week ultrasound and it was actually perfect timing because I had food poisoning a few days before that and was fearful the incidence had hurt the baby somehow.

I was cooking eggplant and snacking on it and literally five minutes later it all came up. I always hear and read about the risks of listeria, salmonella, and E. coli and how it can impact a pregnancy, so I was like “Oh no! We came this far in the pregnancy and what if I hurt that baby by eating eggplant of all things.”

But alas, I went to that ultrasound and right away I saw baby boy and his heartbeat and all was well. God is GOOD! What a relief ❤️ I don’t know if other pregnant women are in the same boat as me, but I’d have an ultrasound every day just to see him and make sure everything is okay. Am I crazy? Maybe 😉 

Baby boy 3D ultrasound at 15 weeks

Sadie definitely wanted a baby sister, but she’s coming around to the fact that she has a bother, or a “brudder,” as she says. She’s been telling everyone that she has a baby brother and continues to kiss and pat my belly. She’s a sweetheart and will truly be a wonderful sister ❤️ 

Other updates:

  • The bump is bumping! My regular clothes don’t fit very well so I’m mostly in maternity clothes. 
  • I’m not feeling movement yet, but hopefully soon. I can’t wait!
  • I’ve had two gallbladder attacks. The first one scared me until I figured out what was going on. I talked to my PCP and the midwives and basically I just have to manage the attacks and then think about getting my gallbladder removed after the birth if I keep getting stones/attacks.
  • Hot coffee is tolerable again. YAY!
  • We’re undecided on a name! If you have any recommendations, leave them in the comments 😉 
  • I haven’t taken any bump pictures this pregnancy. With Sadie, I took one every week from the week I found out. #secondchild 
  • This pregnancy feels like it’s going by so quickly. My last pregnancy felt so slow, but now I’m so busy with a 3.5 year old and life in general I kind of want time to slow down because I’m not ready 😂 

A look back:


  1. Oh how exciting! A little brother for Sadie! I’m so glad that everything looked great at the ultrasound!

  2. Awwww, YAY! Having one of each is such a blessing. And yes, I remember how different my second pregnancy was from my first. Ha, ha. 🙂 It really does fly by SO much faster!
    Sadie is going to be the BEST big sister!

    1. Ahh, I LOVE hearing that having one of each is such a blessing! My sister keeps telling me the same thing! So glad you can relate about 1st vs. 2nd pregnancy, LOL!

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