2023 Notes and Thoughts

What a year 2023 was! I began reflecting on it and realized it was a dream come true type of year. It was our first full year as a family of four, I published a book and two journals, and trained Niva as a therapy dog.

2023 highlights

I have so much to be grateful for. A healthy family, a roof over my head, a small business I love working on, an amazing church family, and freedom. The life I’ve been given by God and am currently living–one with Jimmy, a house full of pets and kids, writing and baking–it’s what I dreamt of in high school. What a blessing to be living it out every day. I never want to forget that my life right now is something I desperately prayed for ten years ago!

In 2023, I learned that I can show up in unique ways: providing breastmilk to a friend and then to a milk bank, visiting people in the hospital, baking, and writing cards. We all have unique skill sets that we can use to serve others and God. It’s a sweet thing to find what you can do and then to go and do it ❤️

Here are some notes and thoughts on the past year.

Books read 43

Best fiction read Someone Else’s Shoes. Honorable mentions: Nora Goes Off Script and Lucy by The Sea.

Best nonfiction read Risen Motherhood. Honorable Mentions: The Longest Race, Introvert by Design, and Loving God with All Your Mind.

Favorite 2023 books

Travel Petersburg, Kentucky, Pittsburgh (totally counts 😂), Outer Banks, North Carolina, and Williamstown, Kentucky.

New things Joining a homeschool co-op, donating my breastmilk to the Mid-Atlantic Mother’s Milk Bank, publishing a novel, prayer journal, and sermon notes journal, therapy dog training, reading chapter books with Sadie each night, and getting a hot tub.

Family selfie in hot tub

Different thing Selling locally for my business instead of on Etsy.

Top three Amazon purchases Ink Joy pens, hands-free breast pump, Alphabet Island game. Random combination of things right there 😂

Recipes and baking Wonder Woman Cake, daisy cake, smash cake, drip cake, fox cake, cranberry orange granola, pumpkin spice cupcakes, chocolate peanut butter granola, and apple cider cupcakes. Some challah and about a million cupcakes in between! It was definitely the year of cupcakes for me 😊

Chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting

Joy Our little family got to see Mordecai go from a newborn to a one-year-old and it was so special to witness his first year of life together.

Family with kids in stroller and husky

Hard stuff Any time the kids were sick. It’s so pitiful when they’re not feeling well. Also, learning my limits and boundaries. While hard, it has been good for me learn what I can and can’t handle and to honor my boundaries without feeling guilty.

Books I want to read in 2024 He is Strong, Good for a Girl, The Unhurried Homeschooler, and Outback Midwife.

Thoughts I couldn’t have asked for a better year. What a blessing. I am continually reminded of God’s love when I reflect on 2023.

Family picture with mom, dad, girl, and baby boy

Looking forward As always, I like to keep a loose grasp on my plans. I have dreams and goals, but God is the One in control. My main goal is to serve God and my family ❤️

How was 2023 for you?

Do you have any big plans or goals for 2024?


  1. WOW! You did have an amazing 2023 for sure!
    I know we all had a lot of fun together as a family, and our 8th grandbaby was born in July!
    Hopefully 2024 will be a healthy and happy one, and include lots of traveling and fun times with all the grandbabies!
    Love you!!!

    1. I hadn’t realized how amazing and blessed it was until I began reflecting on it and wow… God is good!! I agree; I hope 2024 is happy, healthy, and filled with fun adventures for us! Love you so much! ❤️

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