Currently: December 2018

Here were are, somehow in the last month of 2018. Crazy! Do you have any big goals for 2019? I hope December is treating everyone well! Here’s what’s currently going on in my life 🙂

Current book This cute Christmas-themed novel. Also, the beginning of Matthew and Luke as Christmas is approaching. The story of Jesus’ birth never. gets. old.

Current joy Meeting our new cousin, Hunter! What an adorable, sweet bundle of joy. Also, when we visited the hospital, one of the nurses was cracking up at the face Sadie is making in the picture below and said she had a very judge-y look on her face, haha. When she makes that face we call her “Stone Cold Sadie.”

Current food Balsamic pork loin. I love cooking up a pork loin with balsamic vinegar, garlic, rosemary, and oregano.

Current beauty product This mascara. My mom said it won an award on Good Morning America for being the best drugstore mascara, so I had to try it. I like that it has primer and mascara all in one product. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and think it’s great.

Current baked good I baked gingersnaps last night, but I really want to bake a loaf of bread. I’m dreaming of kneading and braiding some good ol’ challah dough.

Current obsession Matching outfits with Sadie. Yup, I’m one of those moms. I got her dressed for a church ladies lunch on Saturday and realized I had an outfit that kind of matched! A new obsession was officially born that day.

Current blessing On the topic of the ladies lunch, Sadie was super fussy for about half of it. My sister, mother-in-law, and friend all helped hold Sadie, entertain her, and even coaxed her into a solid nap. It was a huge blessing to have such loving women helping me out!

Current indulgence Sleeping in whenever Sadie allows 🙂

Current need Still in need of a good haircut. I did a quick trim myself since I last mentioned needing a cut, but I still have yet to get to a salon.

Current craving Another outing in Pittsburgh. Jimmy, Sadie, and I had a little staycation earlier this month and visited the National Aviary, and now I want to head to all of the attractions in the ‘Burgh.

The workers at the Aviary took our picture by the Christmas display!

Current excitement My sister has her anatomy scan on Christmas Eve! Praying all is well with Baby Rowe and can’t wait to find out if Hannah and Josh are having a boy or girl!

Current mood Emotional. Watched this video and cried my eyes out. Jimmy asked why I was crying, so I showed him the video and cried again!

Current drink Still loving smoothies.

Current fun Filming vlogs. Below is the latest!

Current confession I got a pedicure a few days before Sadie was born and I still have the polish on my toes three months later.

Current goal To use our grill as much as possible this winter. Jimmy and I love to grill during the warm months, and we want to keep it up during the winter!

Tell me something current from your life!


  1. If you think having polish on your toes for 3 months is bad, let’s just say mine has been on longer….I need a new pedicure ha.

    Sadie’s face in the picture with Hunter is so cute. It’s almost like she’s saying “Hey I’m the baby here put him down Mom”

    1. Hahah, I’m glad I’m not the only one who keeps polish on f o r e v e r! I wish we lived closer to each other so we could go get a pedicure together and have Bailey and Mavis play together!

      LOL about Sadie’s face in that picture!! So true!

  2. I’m with you on the haircut need. Mine is hip length at this point haha! That family christmas photo, my heart. Also, I love the vlog. I started one, Rah Adventures, have not posted any content yet but it’s in the works. Winter hikes and all 😉

      1. Yes! It’s nuts how long it’s grown. I’ll get a close up on the vlog 😉 Fingers crossed the fun will start next week! Merry merry to you and the fam!!!!

  3. Stone Cold Sadie is still stinking adorable! So fun to have family close in age!

    Also, I am so on board with dressing to match and/or coordinate with your child! Haha! I’m so glad you had so much help with soothing Sadie at the luncheon. That really is such a blessing!

    So excited to hear if Hannah is having a boy or girl! I will say a prayer for peace for her before she goes in for that anatomy scan. Even with no history and no reason to worry, it’s still hard to quiet the “what ifs” sometimes.

    Oh friend, just watched your vlog… the next time you have one of those really tough days please feel free to reach out! You know I’m here for you any time!

    What a cool interaction with that man at Aldi! First of all, I’m sure it was a blessing for him to feel needed and helpful to a young mom with a baby. And secondly, I’m so glad he said just the right thing at just the right time. ❤

    1. It’s a blast having a new little cousin so close in age to Sadie! I know it’s only going to get more and more fun as they grow!

      YAY! I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes to match/coordinate with my daughter! Having help at the luncheon was such a huge blessing! God knew who I needed, right when I needed them!

      I know exactly what you mean about the “what ifs” and worry! Thank you so much for praying for Han! I know she appreciates it!

      Thank you so much for watching my vlog AND being there for me! You are the best, Rach ❤

  4. I saw Hunter and wondered if that was Hannah’s baby but then saw your post about the anatomy scan. I was thinking Hannah didn’t look very pregnant in the last pic you posted! It is neat that your family has so many babies who will grow up together and hopefully be close as family members.

    Clay grills a LOT! But the weather here is warm so you can easily grill year-round. I can see where it might not be as fun in a colder climate like PA.

    I’m going to watch your Aldi haul video now! It’s one of my favorite places to shop and I love that Mozer Roth chocolate that I see in your pic.

    1. Aww, haha! I can’t believe tomorrow is Hannah’s anatomy scan. I feel like her pregnancy is going by so quickly! Maybe it’s because it’s not me and I’m so busy with a new baby, lol. Either way, I can’t wait to meet her sweet babe in May! Meeting Hunter got me so excited and also made me realize how much Sadie has grown in three months!

      I am totally jealous of all the grilling you and Clay can do in the warm weather year-round! We are trucking through over here with 30 degree temps, but at least the grill keeps us warm, ha!

      I hope you liked the Aldi haul! Their chocolate really is great!

  5. Congratulations on the new cousin!! I love the Stone Cold Sadie face haha so adorable!! & the matching outfits?! Yess! If I had a baby girl, I’d do the same. 😂 I can’t wait to know the gender of your sister’s baby!

    I love when you do these posts, Allie!! Hope you have an amazing Christmas Eve and Day!! ♡

  6. My main goal for 2019 is just to answer texts/calls in a more prompt manner. Lol. That picture with Sadie and Hunter is just adorable!!! I just love gingersnaps- one of the best holiday cookies! My family makes a rendition called Peppernuts—mmm! LOVEEE that you and Sadie matched. Too stinking cute. Always love reading your currentlys 🙂 I hope you had a very blessed Christmas, Allie!

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