11 Simple Things I’m Loving Right Now

Just stopping in to share some things I’m loving. From books to body wash to an amusement park! As always, I want to read about what you’re loving in the comments 😊

11 Simple Things I’m Loving Right Now

1. Reading with Sadie. We’re reading through the Zoey and Sassafras series together and I cherish our evenings snuggled up in bed discussing the story. We sometimes read in our hot tub, too!

2. Our backyard. We have so many dreams and plans for our yard! Even if we never did another thing to it, I still love sitting on our porch swing every day.

Wooden porch swing

3. Compost cookies. They’re like amped up chocolate chip cookies because they have dried cranberries, graham crackers, pretzels, and corn flakes in the dough. They’re sweet and salty and perfect.

4. Writing and thinking about writing. Just imagining storylines and characters makes me smile. Any chance I get to write makes me so happy!

5. Our hot tub. We’ve been using it every day and enjoying the opportunity to relax, slow down, and enjoy splashing around together.

Mom in the hot tub with kids

6. Inis Bath and Shower Gel. This body wash is made in Ireland and it smells amazing! It can be used by men or women and is a nice, neutral scent. Definitely want to try out other products from their line.

7. Reading! Right now, I’m about halfway through Somebody Else’s Shoes. This is the first book I’ve read by Jojo Moyes and I can’t seem to put it down. I’ve been reading a bit more fiction lately and nobody is more surprised at this than me, lol.

8. Visiting Idlewild. Jimmy, the kids, and I met my sister’s family at a local-ish kid’s amusement and water park for a day of fun. It was totally chaotic (we had five kids under five-years-old!) but also great and as soon as we got in the car to drive home, Sadie was like “That was so much fun! I want to do it again!” so I am calling it a success!

Teacups at Idlewild

9. Showing Sadie old videos. My sister sent me an old video of us dancing to a song and Sadie thought it was so funny and cool.

10. Time alone. I had one of those parenting weeks where I was just… wrung out. Jimmy took both of the kids out on Friday night and I had some time alone and felt like a new woman afterwards. I think it was one of the first times I’ve been away from both kids for more than an hour or two?! Wild!

11. Baking. I’ve been off of selling on Etsy and solely doing local orders through Instagram and word of mouth for my business and it’s keeping me just the right amount of busy for this season of life. I had a few orders for chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter buttercream and I topped them with Reese’s Cups!

Chocolate peanut butter cupcakes with Reese's cups

Tell me something that you’re loving right now!


  1. Right now I’m loving spending quality time with my grown children and my grandchildren.
    Reading books!!
    Sitting on our pack porch which has somehow been underutilized in the past.
    Preparing for Titus’s 1st birthday party

  2. Your post should have been titled: Eleven simple things that make you Happy!
    Love 💕 You

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