Best books of 2023

2023 Notes and Thoughts

What a year 2023 was! I began reflecting on it and realized it was a dream come true type of year. It was our first full year as a family of four, I published a book and two journals, and trained Niva as a therapy dog.

2023 highlights

I have so much to be grateful for. A healthy family, a roof over my head, a small business I love working on, an amazing church family, and freedom. The life I’ve been given by God and am currently living–one with Jimmy, a house full of pets and kids, writing and baking–it’s what I dreamt of in high school. What a blessing to be living it out every day. I never want to forget that my life right now is something I desperately prayed for ten years ago!

In 2023, I learned that I can show up in unique ways: providing breastmilk to a friend and then to a milk bank, visiting people in the hospital, baking, and writing cards. We all have unique skill sets that we can use to serve others and God. It’s a sweet thing to find what you can do and then to go and do it ❤️

Here are some notes and thoughts on the past year. (more…)