Playing and Planning

Still all sorts of playing going on over here since Christmas! It doesn’t get any more classic than Twister, right?

Dad and daughter playing Twister

Sadie was given a Build-A-Bear gift card for Christmas from my parents, so we went to the mall this week for her to build her bear! Thanks mom and dad. It was such a fun gift and experience for her.

Girl hugging stuffed animal at build-a-bear

I forgot my stroller when we went to the mall, so Mordecai tagged along in his baby carrier (I keep one in my car at all times!) on my back. He played with my hair the whole time 😂

Baby boy in carrier

We spent some time outside. I don’t know how Sadie balances on that thing but it’s pretty cool!

Dad on OneWheel and daughter on hoverboard on street

I did some planning for co-op lessons on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I’m excited for the crafts, books (this one for toddler-age and this one for primary/elementary), and lesson I have planned for this special day!

Martin Luther King Dr. Day lesson plans and books

Along with lesson planning, I’ve been planning out the January special menu for my business! It includes blizzard cupcakes (white almond + almond buttercream), chocolate covered Oreos, and granola.

Blue and white cupcakes decorated with snowflakesWinter themed chocolate covered Oreos

My little assistant got in on the fun and decorated her own cupcake!

Girl holding a cupcake

Last but not least, it wouldn’t be a holiday or new season without the kids getting sick, right?! Poor Mordecai woke up with a high fever on Saturday.

One year old baby boy sleeping on mom's chest with dog on couch

I knew he really wasn’t feeling well because he fell asleep on my chest on the couch. He’s usually a wiggle worm and crawling all over the cushions. I enjoyed the snuggles, though.

Sadie girl joined the fever party Saturday night. Now it’s Sunday and New Year’s Eve! Do you have any plans? I want to hear about them in the comments. I have a feeling we will be laying low, lol.

I’ll be back with a post reflecting on 2023 very soon!


  1. Aww I’m sorry to hear Sadie and Mordecai are sick again.

    There are so many bugs around at the moment – I had stomach flu just before Christmas, then my mum and my nieces got it even though we hadn’t all seen each other (so must have caught it independently!). Ugh 😷 I hope they’re feeling better and you manage to avoid catching it!

    I have zero plans for New Year’s Eve, probably an early night with a book. I’m back to work January 2 so I’ve been enjoying plenty of restful days with no routine before I get back to schedules and deadlines.

    Happy New Year! 🎊

    1. There really are so many illnesses going around this time of year! So sorry you, your mom, and nieces all had the stomach flu. I think that is my least favorite sickness to catch. I hope everyone is healthy and feeling better now! So far Jimmy and I haven’t caught what the kids had… fingers crossed!!

      I hope work goes well tomorrow!! Happy New Year!

  2. Sadie was so sweet at Build a bear – I really enjoyed seeing her choose her ‘bear’ and a few cute accessories.
    Your winter menu looks amazing- as always!!
    Sadie on her hover board is INSANE. I have no idea how she balances so well- and she learned so quickly!
    I feel so bad the kids both ended up with fevers and not feeling well over the new year festivities. Dad and I went to the church fellowship and came home and laid low for the evening too.
    Love you!

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