Our First Christmas As A Family

Well, our first Christmas with Sadie is in the books and it was lovely! We had a good mix of visiting our families, attending church, and downtime at home together.

Here’s a quick rundown of all the celebrations!

Saturday December 22nd –> Went to dinner at my sister-in-law’s and she got engaged! That was so special ❤

Laura is engaged

Sunday December 23rd –> Went to church in the morning and then listened to the choir sing a beautiful cantata in the evening. Sadie and I matched outfits again. Can’t stop, won’t stop 😉

Mother and daughter matching outfit

Monday December 24th –> Baked pretzel hugs in the morning, went to my parents house to exchange gifts with Hannah and Josh, attended our church’s Christmas Eve service, and went to my mother-in-laws afterwards.

Hannah and Josh had their anatomy scan that morning and it’s a girl! They’re naming her Caroline! It was such an answered prayer to hear that their daughter is healthy and measuring right on track. God is good!

Holding up ultrasound to baby

Tuesday December 25th –> Woke up before Jimmy and Sadie and read the story of Jesus’ birth while I sipped my coffee and hung out with the pets. Once everyone was up we exchanged gifts.

We kept it simple and gave Sadie a book about the first Christmas. Jimmy gifted me the one thing I’ve been wanting since September, which is a necklace with Sadie’s name on it! He also gave me this book, which is perfect for me, haha.

Sadie name necklace in silver

I gave Jimmy a waffle maker and smart lightbulbs. An odd combo, but that’s exactly what he wanted, lol. In the evening, we headed to my brother’s house to celebrate with him, our family, and my sister-in-law’s family.

Sadie loved all the cuddling and attention! We were all discussing the fact that next Christmas, there will be a toddler (Sadie… a toddler. Hold me.) and two six-month-old babies (Caroline and my brother and Racquel’s baby!) at our celebration. I also filmed a vlog that day.

Family Christmas picture

Friday December 28th –> Had dinner at my father and mother-in-law’s and exchanged gifts. It was a great evening to cap off all of our Christmas celebrations!

Opening Christmas gifts by Christmas tree

Looking back on this Christmas, there were so many good things. My sister-in-law got engaged, Hannah and Josh have a healthy baby girl, and Jimmy and I spent our first Christmas with sweet Sadie Mae.

Most importantly, we celebrated the birth of Christ and all that means for us as Christians. What a blessing ❤

Tell me about your Christmas!


  1. We went to NC to visit Clay’s grandparents and to his parents house which is in SC but about 2.5 hours away. Exchanged some gifts and had a BIG family feast. Also had to fix some tech stuff because that’s what you do when your software developer son and his wife come to visit. We had Christmas Eve lunch from our favorite Mexican restaurant too (I know that sounds super simple or maybe a little weird but we just don’t have good Mexican food in Charleston, so we wanted to go there).

    Hooray for Sadie’s first Christmas and keeping it simple. That’s how I like to spend the holidays too, just be with family and not a ton of gifts. As she grows up, Christmas will get bigger and bigger anyway. Glad Hannah’s anatomy scan went well and your sis-in-law got engaged!

    1. I love that you and Clay are able to fix tech stuff for your families! I bet they love that! Christmas Eve lunch at a Mexican restaurant sounds awesome! Too funny you mention Charleston doesn’t have great Mexican food. I was just watching a YouTuber from California who moved to Charleston and was disappointed by the Mexican food there. At least you guys have great seafood!

      Simple really is best! Especially with the holidays!

  2. Looks like an absolutely perfect Christmas 🙂 Congrats to Hannah & Josh! How exciting. Also such a lovely family picture. Thank you so much for sharing, Allie!

  3. Love the matching plaid outfits!! So happy you had such a wonderful holiday week. Thanks for sharing it with us, Allie! You have such a beautiful family. 🙂

  4. Can’t stop, won’t stop! Yeah, girl! I’m all about matching outfits. 😀 You two are precious!

    Also, I just love all the family get togethers! It is such a blessing to get to live close to so much family!

    And a GIRL! Oh yay! I’m so excited for Hannah! And for all of you, really. Sadie and Caroline are going to be such besties! ❤

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