Sadie’s Fifth Birthday Party

Sadie had her first friend birthday party this year and it was so much fun! We invited all of her friends to my mom and dad’s house to celebrate her turning five years old.

Girl holding fox piñata

She asked for a fox-themed party, so we went with that and played pin the tail on the fox, had a piñata, and I made a fox birthday cake.

We gave everyone fox temporary tattoos and woodland animal masks and those were a blast!

Girl wearing a fox maskKids wearing woodland animal masks

Mordecai did something special during Sadie’s birthday party… he stood up for  the first time! He’s been working on the skill lately and as soon as he got to my parents house, he pulled himself up and played at their train table for a while.

Baby boy standing at train table

Sadie requested two specific foods at her party: cotton candy and pizza. Done and done! Everyone had so much fun with the cotton candy machine. It is kinda neat to see how cotton candy is made.

We also served charcuterie, pulled pork, mac and cheese, and cupcakes! Oh and candy from the piñata. I don’t know what it is, but I just love piñatas 😂

Girl hitting a fox piñata

We were supposed to have a bounce house at the party buuuut it rained. The kids were disappointed but ran around in the rain anyways and had a great time.

Sadie enjoyed opening gifts and made sure to hug every person and say thank you as she opened their gifts. It made my mom heart so happy to see her express her gratitude!

Girl at birthday party with gifts

Then it was time for birthday cake and cupcakes! I think Sadie forgot that you’re supposed to sing happy birthday before blowing out the candles because we lit her candle and she immediately blew it out 😂 We did a round two and sang and then she blew out her candle!

Her little smile as she looked at her birthday cake while everyone sang was just so sweet.

Girl looking at birthday cakeFox birthday cake for fifth birthday

The cake was strawberry with vanilla buttercream and the cupcakes were lemon with vanilla buttercream and strawberry with vanilla buttercream and homemade chocolate foxes and squirrels on top!

Before we knew it, everyone was heading home and it was time to clean up. What a fun and special evening for our family. Sadie has been such a blessing to us and I can’t wait to see what the next five years with her looks like!

A look back:
First Birthday
Second Birthday
Third Birthday
Fourth Birthday


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