new semester

New Semester

Penn State’s spring semester has begun! I kicked off the second semester of my junior year on Monday. I’ve had to mentally get back into “school mode” and out of “vacation mode” these past few days.

I suddenly have less time to randomly bake batches of white chocolate chip cookies... sad.

I suddenly have less time to randomly bake batches of white chocolate chip cookies… sad.

I’m going to be honest, I always struggle at the beginning of a new semester. I often feel very anxious and overwhelmed. I question whether or not I can handle the courses I have to take and I have a hard time getting into a routine as I adapt to my new schedule.

It’s funny, because a few weeks into classes, I look back and think why was I so worried that I couldn’t do all of this school work? God always carries me through my life, especially times when I am forced to adapt and stretch the limits of my comfort zone.

Here are my courses for this semester:

COMM460W– News reporting
COMM470A– Newspaper production
COMM270– Multimedia production
CAS204– Communication research methods
METEO003– Meteorology

So far, most of my classes are tough. Some are “senior level,” one is a research course, and two involve learning new-to-me software (like DreamWeaver, InDesign CS4, Adobe Creative Suite, etc.).

I’m definitely going to be challenged this semester, but I’m ready to trust God, do my best, and believe in myself and my abilities. 

I've already learned a new word in meteorology ... isopleth!

I’ve already learned a new word in meteorology … isopleth!

On the bright side, spring (and May–the end of the semester) will be here before I know it 😉

Food and three randoms!

Time to share some good eats I’ve had lately 😀

Breakfast for dinner is probably my favorite dinner.

Peanut butter and jelly is probably my favorite lunch. Gotta live up to my Twitter name: @heypbj. Yep, back in 2009 I made my Twitter name based off of my favorite lunch. Maybe I was hungry at the time?

Eggs are tasty

Apple + peanut butter 🙂


Now for some RANDOM pictures!

I cleaned my room a little bit the other day and it was just time to let go of some OLD caps, goggles, and worn out suits that I don’t use/are unusable. Felt good.

I found this picture of my parents with my brother. I think this was 1988? Crazy! This is a present-day picture of the rents ❤


Anyways… I’m back to school on Monday. Oh golly! I am starting to gather together my books, binders, folders, etc. It is exciting and scary all at the same time 😉

Have a great day!