Cutting Sadie’s Hair, Painting with Chocolate, and Drawing

Sadie has been asking for a haircut for a few weeks now. She kept saying that she wanted her hair to be my length. I couldn’t find an opening at our local hair salon that worked with our schedule, so I did some research and cut her hair myself.

I think I took off about four or five inches?! I washed her hair, combed it, and then separated it into three sections. I just cut straight across for each section and that was that. She was happy with it and it looks much less scraggly at the bottom! Is it perfect? No, but it’s good enough!

I’ve been working on cupcake toppers for a birthday party we have coming up and decided to dive into painting with chocolate. I work with chocolate and silicone molds all the time, but this was my first time painting different colors of chocolate into the mold. I had so much fun!

Pink and purple chocolate butterflies

Speaking of baking, I’ve got a busy week next week. I’m doing chocolate covered Oreos and chocolate chip cookies for a wedding and then the next day I’m doing a smash cake, cupcakes, and chocolate covered Oreos for a first birthday party. I’m excited!

Want to know the best pictures I find on my phone? They’re random ones I had no idea that Sadie took. She decided to tuck all her stuffies under blankets. She kept telling me to be quiet because “the kids” were sleeping 😂

Stuffed animals under a blanket

Sadie got a Lego set for her birthday (way back in September!) that she saved until she was ready to do it. She was ready the other day and put the whole set together all by herself!

I just realized this post is Sadie heavy, lol. Want to hear something funny about Mordecai? He calls ketchup “bubble” and we have no idea why!

Mom and son at creek in Pittsburgh

Mordecai is also super weird about walking on different surfaces. We’ll be walking along and I suddenly realize he’s not next to me. He’ll be standing where there’s a change in the flooring or surface of the ground and will cry if we don’t hold his hand and help him. Cracks in the sidewalk are especially sketchy to him.

Sadie and I have been doing some drawing together each morning! She really enjoys making art, and I’ve been wanting to work on her handwriting, so we’re trying out Draw Write Now for her handwriting curriculum! One of the things I love about homeschooling is that we can find things that work for the way Sader Tot learns 😊

Draw Write NowDraw Write Now

One last thing of note from life lately: I made croissant cookies. Jimmy requested that I bake chocolate chip cookie dough into a croissant, so I made it happen.

Croissants with chocolate chip cookie dough in the middle

Okay, I am off! I will leave you with a cute picture of Mordecai at the park.

Have you ever cut someone else’s hair?


  1. I love Sadie’s haircut!! You’re definitely brave. I use to sometimes just trim the ends of my own hair, but I’m definitely not steady handed enough to do someone else’s 😗

    Sadie and her ‘stussies’ is adorable!! I feel like she truly cares for each one- and honestly remembers who gave it to her.

    I can’t wait to see your new creations with painting chocolate ~ you’re always up to trying new things- which is a great trait to have!

    Poor Deck and his slight fear of changing floor & ground surfaces 🥹 I think it’s prob a lot more common than you would think!

    Sadie LOVES her Lego sets! So amazing she did it herself 🤓. How did the chocolate chip dough croissants come out!?

    love you and all the cute pics !


    1. Thank you! It’s so much better now! I’d trust you to cut my hair!

      She LOVES her stuffies!!

      I’m having a blast with the chocolate.

      Deck is just too cute with his floor fears. Darla told us Jimmy was exactly the same when he was little!

      The chocolate croissants came out well! Next, Jimmy wants oatmeal cream pie ice cream cake 😂

  2. I love Sadie’s haircut and she is becoming quite the artist! Mordecai is as cute as ever! That’s so funny about the various floors! Looking forward to some of those baked goods!

    Love 💕 You

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