The Most Chocolate Cupcakes, Bugs, and A Surprise


Mom holding nine month old baby boy

How is your week going? Ours is going well so far. We’re headed home from visiting a friend in the hospital who just had twin girls!

I made the most chocolate-y cupcakes I could come up with over the weekend. A chocolate cake base filled with Nutella, topped with chocolate buttercream, chocolate sprinkles, a chocolate drizzle, and a Hershey’s bar!

Death by chocolate cupcakes

I think the next cupcakes I want to make will be banana with brown sugar buttercream. Those just sound lovely to me.

We have been seeing so many insects lately! The spotted lanternfly has (unfortunately) totally invaded Pittsburgh and they’re everywhere. Sadie found a katydid on our front porch last week and was simultaneously freaked out and interested in it.

Sader Tot also found another dead cicada in our yard and her first order of business was to bring it inside and put it in her sunglasses case?!

Cicada in sunglasses case

Jimmy surprised me the other day and said there was a package on our front porch for me. He bought me a new skillet!

Pots and pans hanging on a rack

The new skillet is on the right!

I make pancakes for Sadie and myself every morning and he said he felt bad that my old pan was on its last leg (a neighbor had actually given it to me and it was falling apart from me using it so much!). So sweet of Jimmy. I think I need to surprise him in return now somehow! Any ideas?

My mom came over to visit one day this week and we went to Rural King with the kids! Last time we went, Mordecai was four months old and not very interactive. He really liked seeing the chicks, ducks, and turkeys this time!

Kids looking at chicks at Rural King

Alright, I am going to end this very random post! We are sitting in Pittsburgh traffic as I type. Once we get home, we’re doing the dinner thing and then Jimmy is off to paint at our church.

When was the last time you were surprised?

Tell me your dream cupcake!

What’s the last insect you saw?


  1. Those chocolate cup cakes were so good!
    Sadie is for sure the curious one and it is so cute to see Mordecai interested in the peeps now!

    Love ❤️ You!

  2. I didn’t get to try one of those cupcakes :(… I think my dream cupcake would probably be some sort of vanilla almond flavor with raspberry buttercream frosting. YUMMM
    I think the last insect I saw was one of those lantern flies. I love that Sadie has such an interest!!
    The kids seeing the chicks and baby ducks at Rural King was ADORBS!! Glad I was able to capture the moment without the pics being totally off centered and blurry – typical yaya.
    Love you!

    1. YUM! I should make those some time! I’ll be sure to make them GF for you 🙂

      Those lantern flies will be the death of me! Thanks for going to Rural King with us! That was one fun and wild day, haha!!

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