Our Trip

Our first family camping trip was a success! We rented a camper on Sunday and camped at Ohiopyle State Park until Wednesday. It felt like just the right amount of time to be away from home with a toddler. 

Family in front of camper at Ohiopyle State Park Campground

We were so blessed by our families for this trip:

  • My sister lent me her hiking carrier
  • My brother lent us their daughter’s bike trailer 
  • Jimmy’s Dad lent us his truck to tow the camper
  • My parents watched Niva

Our first night was rough. We arrived in the pouring rain and it was getting dark as Jimmy tried to back the camper into our spot. I had to jump out in the rain to try and direct him and stepped right into a huge pit of mud. Once we set up, it was time for bed and Sadie did. not. want. to. sleep.

She especially didn’t want to sleep by herself on one of the beds. So into bed she went with us. And she still didn’t want to sleep. She literally crawled around the bed for what felt like hours. Jimmy and I just laid there in an exhausted heap until she fell asleep sometime between 11 PM and 2 AM. At 3 AM, we woke up to a thud… Sadie fell off the bed. Poor girl got quite a bruise from that fall!

We were more than ready for coffee the next morning, lol. The rest of the trip went so, so well after that first wild night, though. 

Here’s what we were up to:

  • We went hiking a few times
  • We biked on a bike trail and around the campgrounds
  • We visited downtown Ohiopyle and the waterfalls there
  • We went on many meandering walks with Sadie around the campgrounds while she looked for chipmunks
  • My in-laws paid us a visit and had dinner with us
  • We visited Cucumber Falls with my in-laws

How about some pictures?

Ohiopyle view from hiking to bridge

The view from one of our hikes!

Toddler playing in dirt and rocks while camping at Ohiopyle State Park

Mom and toddler sitting in camp chairs by campfire while camping

Yup, those are totally stickers on Sadie’s forehead, lol.

Toddler and Grandma reading books while camping

Family hiking at Ohiopyle

Toddler with grandpa while camping

Mom with toddler in hiking backpack

Toddler with a leaf

Family hiking at Cucumber Falls

What a memorable trip! There were some hard moments (chasing after a toddler 24/7 and not getting much sleep), but way more amazing moments (watching the wonder on Sadie’s face as she discovered new things, spending time as a family, being in nature for a few days). I’m already looking forward to our next family trip! 

What is your favorite type of vacation? 


  1. Allie, these pictures will bring back so many amazing memories. I know you will look back on this with a smile and lots of laughs.
    My favorite type of vacation involves either the beach or camping! I haven’t been camping in a long time, and definitely not with a toddler, but I know I went camping AS a toddler many times lol. Love you!

    1. Yes! So true! And it has been a while since you went camping, huh? I’m thinking the last time was at Kinzua with us? Looks like you and Josh need to plan a trip! Love you!

  2. I’m so glad the trip was a success! What an adventure that first night was in particular. I also really admire how you didn’t let not owning gear or even a camper keep you from going. I think many people – myself included – would just think, “Well, I don’t own a camper or a tent so I can’t go.” There are always workarounds! Great job thinking outside the box.

  3. That first night sounds ROUGH! Yikes! But it sounds like it was still so worth it! I have never regretted any of the trips we took even when we got less sleep than we did pre-kid. It really is amazing to see them taking in the world around them! So glad you guys got to go and experience all of this!

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