ice fishing

Those clouds..

Hey friends! Sorry it’s been about a week since I last posted. School work has been keeping me tied to my desk/computer.

I spent all day Friday and Saturday working on homework and hardly made a dent in my to-do list. Not cool. Spending hours upon hours doing homework led me to second guess myself and my course load for this semester. My ego took a little punch. I also got another C on a meteorology test. cloudsThose clouds. You look cool, but I can’t understand you!

Going to the store and buying oatmeal creme pies makes me feel better though. IMG_4932


Life has been full and busy, but I’m making sure to appreciate the little things…

IMG_4949My dad went to Texas for a business trip (I was so jealous) and brought me back a fleece jacket that says “Houston.” I missed him while he was gone, but I made sure to make him a care package full of granola and mixed nuts for his flights, etc.

IMG_4946My mom met up with me at a local park when I had a gap between my classes. We walked around the frozen pond and then got coffee. It was so nice to just talk with my mom. Jimmy and I went to this same park yesterday and saw people ice fishing!

lilyLily is fascinated by my printer. I enjoy seeing the world through her eyes.

IMG_4955I love my “little sister” even though she’s taller than me! Lately, people keep thinking we’re twins or that she’s older than me.

Jimmy and I celebrated Valentine’s Day on Sunday by visiting our church’s “sister church,” going out to lunch, and going bowling! bowlingI bowled a 133 during our second game. It was probably the best day of my life. Just kidding. But not really.

Jimmy made me the best gift ever. You see, I’m a little bit obsessed with corn bread. I seriously eat it every day. So he baked me corn bread and cut it into a heart LOL. corn breadI couldn’t stop laughing. Until I started eating the whole thing in (almost) one sitting ;). I love my boyfriend.


What’s the toughest class you’ve ever taken in school?

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?