A Few More Pictures from Our Trip to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

I posted all about our visit to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter but I didn’t want to completely overwhelm the posts with pictures. So here we are. Time to share the pictures that didn’t make the cut!

Ark Encounter Pictures

Noah's Ark at Ark Encounter

I know I said it already, but the size of the ark was just unreal in person. So, so cool!

Reptiles and amphibians exhibit on Ark Encounter

This was one of the exhibits on the first deck of the ark. It was a speculation of how Noah would have taken care of reptiles and amphibians.

Interior of Noah's Ark at Ark Encounter

An inside look at the decks of the ark. I believe I read that the project of building the replica of the ark from start to finish took about six years.

Torah scroll at Ark Encounter

We were able to see a large portion of a decommissioned Torah scroll. This section was the Pentateuch, which is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.

Mom and daughter in front of llama at Ararat Ridge Zoo at Ark Encounter

Me and my favorite little girl at the Ararat Ridge Zoo. There were animals there that I had literally never even heard of!

Mom and daughter petting a goat at Ark Encounter

Just living my best life petting a goat named Shadrach.

Baby boy standing at white picket fence at playground at Ark Encounter

My little buddy standing at the playground. He’s growing up too fast!

Girl sitting on fake camel

Sadie hanging out on a camel structure at the playground.

Girl sitting on a whale at playground at Ark Encounter

Another cool structure at the playground!

Girl on carousel at Ark Encounter

Sadie and I rode the carousel together. I will spare you the picture of me on a carousel camel 😜

Baby sleeping in dad's arms

Mordecai was so well behaved all day. He loved taking everything in. He finally gave in to sleep at the end of the day and it was so sweet seeing him crashed out in Jimmy’s arms.

Creation Museum Pictures

Girl and grandpa atCreation Museum

Sadie leading my dad around the Creation Museum. It’s the best seeing my children with my parents. They all adore each other and it makes my soul so happy.

Girl at Creation Museum botanical gardens

Sadie was doing what she likes to call a “ballerina move” at the botanical gardens while eating a chocolate covered marshmallow. She’s one cool chick.

Girl standing in front of dinosaur at Creation Museum

Sadie was loving the dinosaur exhibit!

Family photo at Creation Museum

Family photo at the Creation Museum!

Hotel Pictures

Mom and dad with daughter in hot tub at hotel

We really loved the hotel we stayed at! The hot tub was a big hit with all of us 😊

Grandparents with baby boy

My mom and dad hung out with Mordecai while the rest of us swam and took a dip in the hot tub. Mordecai was wearing what we call his “ninja pajamas” because they’re all black and he looks like a little ninja 😂

Family sitting around fire pit at hotel

The hotel had a really nice outdoor area with seating and fire pits so we sat around the fire on our last night.

girl sitting by a gas fire

Relaxing by the fire! It was so cozy.

Girl eating Fruit Loops at hotel

Sadie enjoyed the hotel breakfast each morning! She loved the cereal dispensers and hot cocoa. I took this on our last morning there… right before she accidentally spilled hot cocoa on her leg 😳

Those are all the pictures I have to share! It was such a great trip. I hope to visit again in the future 😊

Have you ever been to the Creation Museum or Ark Encounter?


  1. Such amazing pics!!! Everyone one of them brings me back to that exact time, and I will always treasure being able to spend time with you, Jimmy, Sadie and Deck! I loved every minute of our trip! Thank you for capturing it in these beautiful pics!

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