Life lately

Hi! It’s been a while (again) since I last blogged. Life has been busy lately, but I’m hoping to get into a more regular routine within the next few weeks. Here’s a little life update!

Married Life


I love being married! Jimmy and I got back from our honeymoon on June 22nd and started moving into our house that afternoon. Yep, we bought a little house on “Jimmy’s side” of Pittsburgh (about 50 minutes from where I used to live) and closed on it two days before our wedding. The moving process has been long and exhausting, but so exciting! Home ownership is no joke. It’s a lot of work, but I sort of love it. A lot.

My favorite things about being married (so far): Bible studies together and having memory verses, eating meals together, driving to and from church together, walks around our neighborhood, and having guests over. Pretty much being with Jimmy as much as possible, haha.


We’ve had guests over as much as possible and we really love serving friends and family meals and just hanging out!


Of course there have been challenging times, too. We’re both exhausted from moving, working on our house, and just starting a new life together. It’s that deliriously happy and excited exhausted feeling, if that makes sense. I also miss seeing my family and pets 24/7 and it’s been tough to learn a totally new (to me) area of Pittsburgh. We also had our first middle of the night mishap–Jimmy accidentally punched me in the eye while stretching in his sleep hahaha.

Jimmy has been back at work, and I start my second internship next week. I’m also taking an independent study course online because I still have a few more credits to take until I can graduate from Penn State. It’s been tough to do school work when I’m thinking hmmm I should be mowing the lawn/doing laundry/washing dishes/moping the floors right now, but ya gotta do what you gotta do! I’m learning how to balance it all slowly but surely 😉


All in all, I feel incredibly blessed. God has been so, so good to us and I am so thankful for my husband the wonderful people in our lives! It’s just amazing to think of the many ways God has provided for and blessed us, and I give Him all the credit and glory for everything in my life!

I plan on posting a wedding recap once I have the pictures from our photographer. I’m also willing to do a Q&A post on married life/our wedding/etc. if anyone has any questions. For now, I have to do some homework and then my mom and sister are dropping Brandy and Lola off because Jimmy and I are babysitting them for the weekend! Can’t wait!

What are you doing this weekend?!


  1. I am just so excited for you. What a fun adventure!! Even with all the moving-house-ownership-flailing-arms-in-the-night stuff, it sounds like you are having a blast. With your HUSBAND!! Isn’t that a fun word to say??

    1. Thank you, Amy! I am having a blast for sure. Every day I catch myself thinking “Wow… I’m so happy and blessed!!!” haha. Husband is definitely so much fun to say!

  2. It’s great to hear from you and see a little of your new house :). It’s definitely an adjustment when you sleep with someone. Although Clay and I lived together for 3 months before we were married, we got married and he had a nightshift job for years so he slept during the day. Well, we moved here 2 years ago for his new job and it was like… oh wow… we get to sleep together in the same bed at the same time now. The elbows and stuff still happen so we are upgrading to a king sized bed soon, haha. Looks like you’re enjoying having people over too!

    1. Thanks, Amy! That’s so funny about you and Clay finally being able to sleep together.. except the elbows (etc.!) part haha. Hopefully a king sized bed will solve that problem for you! Jimmy actually has a king sized bed but it’s too big for our bedroom… first world problems to the max right there hahaha. And yeah, we love having people over! It’s definitely one of my favorite things right now 🙂

  3. Ahhhh this all makes me so happy for you! I can’t wait to hear more details about the wedding- you looked absolutely stunning.

  4. Awwww, I’m SO happy for you!!! 🙂 There is a lot to balance when you first get married, but I’m so glad that you’re loving it! It really is a lot of fun. AND my hubby punched me in the forehead the other night in his sleep, so I know how that goes. Ha, ha!! Oh, men. 😉

    1. Thank you, Nicole! I’m so happy for you too! I think about you and Nate and your baby all the time :). Hope that’s not too creepy…!!! LOL at Nate punching you in the forehead! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one!

  5. I’m moving tomorrow! I totally get the exhausting process. Who knew I had so much stuff?! I can’t wait to open a new chapter of my life! I’m so happy for you and Jimmy! Where did you go on a honeymoon?

    1. Thank you and best of luck to you with moving, Ellie! Yeah, it’s definitely exhausting! It’s also fun to nest and figure out where to put everything :). We went to the Outer Banks, NC for our honeymoon!

  6. I cannot believed you bought a house and planned a wedding and moved all in such close proximity! Talk about (good,positive) stress!

    *bows down*

    Your married life so far sounds idylllic and I am smiling in a big way. (0:

    1. Yes… lots of good stress! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said.. “Wow.. I’m stressed.. but the good kinfd of stress” and got the strangest looks haha. It’s definitely happy stress, but I’m also ready for things to settle down a little bit, haha.

  7. Haha! I totally smacked Christopher one morning by accident. His alarm was going off and I thought I was reaching over to tap him to wake him up, but my arm had more force behind it than my sleepy head realized and I definitely smacked him (thankfully across his arms). Needless to say, I haven’t had to tell him to get his alarm since then. As soon as it goes off, he turns it off immediately for fear of my smacking him. 😛 So glad to hear that you are adjusting well to married life! Enjoy every minute!

    1. Hahaha that you don’t have to tell Christopher to get his alarm anymore!! That’s seriously so funny. And thank you! I am totally enjoying married life and soaking it all in 🙂

  8. Sounds like all good things! Love to see that you are doing so well and that you both are the owners of an actual house! How many young people can say that these days? Haha…

  9. I am so excited for you! It is my continuous prayer to find my version of “Jimmy” in life one day. You two are beyond blessed and so cute! Happy Marriage!! 🙂

    1. Awww, thank you Rachel! I showed Jimmy your comment and he blushed so hard, haha. 🙂 I hope and pray that you are able to find a wonderful husband, too!

  10. Aw congrats Allie!!! You and Jimmy are so sweet! I’m so happy everything is going so well and can’t wait to see more wedding pics! Good luck with getting settled in the new place, and enjoy being newly weds! Is there a fur baby in your near future?!

    1. Thank you so much!! I can’t wait to share more wedding pictures. I’m bursting at the seams waiting for them, haha! There are in deed fur babies in our very near future. Yep.. babies.. plural. *gulp*…!!

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